Discord Themes

Many Discord users used to complain about the lack of customizability of the app. The app doesn’t necessarily allow users to change the interface for security reasons, but you can take advantage of the feature that lets you install or change themes of the app and add cool Discord background.

Although discord isn’t an ugly-looking app, it’s boring to look at the same interface every time you log into the system. You can change the Discord theme to alter the interface.

Search, download, and install custom Discord themes using BetterDiscord.

What is BetterDiscord?

BetterDiscord is a third-party Discord client modification that works with a standalone app for Windows, Linux, and Mac. It takes all the working Discord themes and plugins from developers through #Official Server lists and offers them to the Discord users.

It allows users to make additional customizations, including custom themes and CSS injection. It also offers a broader range of emotes to use.

For security reasons, experts suggest users download themes from only the right sources to prevent data breaches in the app.

How to change the Discord theme using BetterDiscord?

Using BetterDiscord API, you can download and install perfect Discord themes. You can find thousands of themes from the official BetterDiscord channel.

Steps to install BetterDiscord API and start installing Discord themes.

  • Go to the BetterDiscord website on GitHub and download the software depending on your OS (Windows, Mac, Linux)
  • Using the BetterDiscord Installer, download and install BandagedBD.exe files on your computer.
  • Next, join the BetterDiscord Server through BetterDiscord.
  • Go to the #theme-repo channel, choose a preferred theme and download it (.theme.CSS).
  • Open Discord then goes into the settings > click BetterDiscord > Themes to open the theme folder.
  • Slide the .theme.CSS file you downloaded inside the folder.
  • Go back to Discord and click CTRL+R to reload the app.
  • Now, go back in settings and click BetterDiscord and Themes to enable the theme.

How to create custom Discord themes?

You can create custom Discord themes by using the Codedotspectra Editor, a Discord theme maker.

Login into the website and choose a template you want to design your Discord theme.

Use the design modulation panel to make necessary design changes.

You can choose from settings, background images, font, and accent colors, blur percentages, and enable add-ons.

After completing the design, you can download the theme CSS file and slide it into Discord’s theme folder to start using it.

How to Change Themes without BetterDiscord?

For users that are uncomfortable with installing BetterDiscord API, you can change the Discord theme using the built-in app setting. However, you’ll be limited to using only two available themes; Dark Discord theme and Discord light theme.

  • Click the Settings icon and access the User Settings.
  • Go to the left pane under App Settings and select Appearance.
  • Inside the Appearance section, you’ll get the option to change the Theme (Discord Dark theme and Light) and the Message Display (Cozy, Compact).

How to change Discord Theme for iPhone and Android?

For mobile users, installing BetterDiscord isn’t still an option. However, you can use the default setting to change the Discord theme.

  • Open the Discord app, tap your profile from the bottom bar and open the setting.
  • Scroll down and under App Settings tap Appearance.
  • You can select from either “Light” or “Dark” mode.

With the feature to modify the custom Discord background theme, you need not sit with a single theme anymore. Start with BetterDiscord API or use the preexisting feature in the Discord App to use Top-Rated Discord Themes.

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